Parent Engagement

Parental engagement is a valuable dimension in any educational process for children. As described in our School Policy, parental involvement is actively encouraged at Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School, especially since we are all called to share our gifts and talents.

Parents are encouraged to attend children’s masses and liturgies, social functions and other activities held throughout the year.

Teaching staff will call for volunteers for a range of activities at various times throughout the school year. Any assistance you can provide is always appreciated.

Useful Links

Catholic School Parents Australia has put together a great resource to support Parent Engagement. It covers topics such as helping your child at home, supporting them through transition, dealing with issues as they arise and working with your child’s teacher:

The Australian Parenting Website, Raising Children, is crammed full of excellent resources to support Parents in their diverse role. It is definitely worth a look:

The Australian Government’s E-Safety Commissioner’s website is a valuable support for parents in assisting their children through the online world their digital resources take them to:

Parent Lounge

Parent Lounge is an essential component at Star of the Sea. Our Parent Lounge allows you to access your child’s report card (all report cards are electronic at Star of the Sea) as well as a means of accessing Excursion information and making payments.

Your login credentials are provided to you by the school and we ask that you keep your user name and password in a safe place. The Parent Lounge can be accessed via

The School Board

The School Board is a pastoral body consisting of parent members, the Principal, the Parish Priest and a staff member. The function of the School Board is to support the Principal and advise on matters of existing policy and in the formation of new policies. A shared wisdom process of discernment is the basis of the Board's decision making process. Parent members on the Board are elected for a two year period and are chosen based on their faith dimension and their specific talents such as financial expertise, pastoral wisdom, managerial experience or local knowledge.

The School Board is an open and effective body which welcomes any questions, comments, suggestions or ideas you may have. All correspondence can be addressed to:

Chairperson, School Board
Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School
PO Box 1458 GLADSTONE QLD 4680

The Board meets monthly from February to November (10 meetings each year). Current school policies are available to peruse in the school office.

Parents and Friends Association

Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School has an active and effective Parents’ and Friends' Association. Information on their executive, committee, activities, ventures and meeting times is communicated via the school newsletter. Their contribution to school life is significant.

Our P & F meets regularly on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm in the Staff Room.

All parents are encouraged to take an active part in this aspect of the school’s life. There are also a number of sub–committees that are doing great work for the school. The role of the Parents and Friends Association (P & F) is to support the school in fundraising for projects and to enhance the spirit of the parent body. An Annual General Meeting is held in November to elect Office Bearers and Executive Committee Members. The offices include President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary.

Committees are also formed with specific tasks in mind such as our Caulfield Committee. The Chairperson of each committee is part of the Executive. A copy of the P & F Constitution is available at the Office.

Star of the Sea

Catholic Primary School

Phone: 07 4972 1305

181 Goondoon St Gladstone Qld 4680


© Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School Gladstone.
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